DuckDuckGo Browser

Do you want to know the DuckDuckGo Browser? If yes, then sit tight and read this post carefully. Here, we are going to share all the things about that you need to know. So, let’s know about it and why is it popular in search queries. DuckDuckGo is a search engine that cares about the user’s privacy. It does not track user activities while performing any search. This browser is the best option for those who want to keep their personal details and activities sensitive.

DuckDuckGo company is situated in the United States. More than 130 employees are working in this company. Its name is based on the children’s game duck. When you enter any search query in the DuckDuckGo browser, it will provide you with the search results by taking the help of other websites. This also takes the help of Bing and crawlers to provide better search results to the users.

How to watch DuckDuckGo videos?

You can easily watch or download Duckduckgovideos. Just enter the link of a video in the search box of the DuckDuckGo search engine. If your search is relevant to the search results, then you will see the video automatically. 

DuckDuckGo video search results can be expanded by clicking on the grid icon at the top of the results. Click on the X icon to collapse the search results. If you want to search the videos from other websites using the DuckDuckGo search box, then you can use it! bangs for search. For the History channel, you can use it! history, for the Food Network it is! food network. 

Why is the DuckDuckGo Search Engine Getting Popular?

Search Engine is getting popular because it allows you do to private searches without getting tracked. If you use the internet then there is a high chance that you use Google Search Engine to search answer for every query.   Google search engine tracks our all online activities and searches. But, DuckDuckGo search is different in these terms. It provides privacy protection to your browser. You don’t need to pay anything to use the DuckDuckGo search engine. 

DuckDuckGo provides you Privacy for Chrome, Private Search Engines, and Privacy Browser Apps. They also say that they don’t store any kind of information about the user. So you can use this browser as a search engine to keep your information safe. 

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What is DuckDuckGo Chrome?

What is DuckDuckGo Chrome

DuckDuckGo Chrome Mobile means you can use the DuckDuckGo browser also with Chrome. As we know, Chrome is a major used browser all over the world. But there are some privacy issues.

DuckDuckGo Chrome extension allows you to perform searches for queries without being tracked online even on Google Chrome. 

If you are using Chrome, then you can install DuckDuckGo on Chrome with these steps. 

  • Select three horizontal lines
  • Click Settings
  • Find and select the Manage Search Engines option
  • Make DuckDuckgo as default from the list.

The difference between DuckDuckGo and Google

DuckDuckGo Browser

DuckDuckGo vs Google: It is the most searched query after the launch of the DuckDuckGo search engine. Nowadays, Privacy is the main concern for every person. We all have used Google to find the answers to every question. But, along with it, we don’t get privacy. 

Now there is another option available online, DuckDuckGo. It doesn’t track any kind of online activity of the user. But before moving to this, you should know about the pros and cons of both Google and DuckDuckgo. 

First of all, talk about privacy. Google collects your data and shares your inquiries with advertisers. You can know about it while doing a search, and after that, you will suddenly get advertisements related to your services. It is possible only with user data collection which Google does. On the other hand, if you search for anything on the DuckDuckGo search engine, then you will not get any relevant ads. 

Both search engines Google and DuckDuckgo provide search results in the same manner. When you search on Google, you can see that your search words are spelt right in the HTTP header. It tracks your online activity through an IP address.  DuckDuckGo Chrome extension doesn’t track this kind of detail.

How to Download DuckDuckGo Browser?

In this section, I am sharing with you the step-by-step process for the DuckDuckGo download. It is very easy to download the Duck Duck Go browser on any mobile phone, browser for PC, windows 10, Mac, etc.

Now let’s know how can you download Duckduckgo. 

Download DuckDuckGo Private Browser from the Play Store

Follow these steps for the DuckDuckGo browser download.

  1. Open the Play Store on your device
  2. Search DuckDuckGo Browser 
  3. Click on the DuckDuckGo app
  4. Select Install option
  5. Wait for some time to let it install
  6. Setup DuckDuckGo browser app
  7. Now you are ready to use the DuckDuckGo search engine.

Download DuckDuckGo Browser for PC

If you don’t want to download the DuckDuckGo app, then you can also download DuckDuckGo Browser Chrome Extension.

There are some for DuckDuckGo Browser download for PC.

  1. Open a browser on your device
  2. Search URL or
  3. Now select the ‘Add DuckDuckGo to Chrome’ or  ‘Add to Chrome’ option
  4. You will be redirected to the Chrome Web Store
  5. Now again select the ‘Add to Chrome’ option
  6. After clicking a popup window will appear on the screen
  7. Select the ‘Add to extension’ option
  8. It will download in 2 or 3 seconds.
  9. After that DuckDuckGo Browser will automatically add to your Chrome browser
  10.  You can check it or make it on or off from the extension option which appears at the top right section of the browser.

Download the DuckDuckGo Browser on Windows 10

If you are using Windows 10 and want to download the Duck Duck Go browser, then you can do it very easily with just a few clicks. DuckDuckGo App is free to download. So, if any platform is demanding some money, then get away from there.

Here, I am sharing easy ways for DuckDuckGo to download for Windows 10.

  1. Visit the Softonic website from your browser
  2. Search DuckDuckGo for Windows 10 in the search bar of the platform.
  3. Click on the available DuckDuckGo app.
  4. Scroll down and Click on the install option.
  5. Let it install and wait for some time.
  6. After successfully installing, open the DuckDuckGo app or browser.
  7. Do a setup and now you are ready to search for anything without getting tracked.
DuckDuckGo Web browser for Windows

Is there a DuckDuckGo Web browser for Windows?

DuckDuckGo is a privacy-focused search engine that makes browsing the internet easy and secure. It offers a variety of features, including email protection, cookie pop-up protection, and tab management. You can also set it as the default search engine in your browser.

To make the world’s most private Internet more accessible to everyone, DuckDuckGo is launching a desktop version of its popular web browser. Although the browser is still in development, you can try it out now in the beta stage.

The new web browser will be built on a completely different technology than Google Chrome, and it will be faster. Unlike Google, it will also have robust privacy protection. That means it will not track you when you browse, and you will have a new standard for everyday online privacy.

How do I set up DuckDuckGo as a browser?

DuckDuckGo is a privacy-focused search engine that offers a variety of unique features and services. Unlike Google, DuckDuckGo doesn’t store or track users’ data. Rather, it forces sites to use an encrypted connection.

The company receives over 70 million visits a month. It processes around 3.5 billion searches a day. Although DuckDuckGo doesn’t own the websites it indexes, it does earn affiliate revenue when users buy products from its partners. Aside from its search function, DuckDuckGo also has a “Fire” button, which enables users to delete their browsing history. Additionally, it has an infinite scroll feature, which lets users skip over pages quickly without having to go back to the home page.

DuckDuckGo’s browser uses a smarter protection system, which means it fends off ad trackers and makes using encrypted connections more convenient. To use the browser, you must first sign up and agree to its Privacy Essentials.

What happens if I add DuckDuckGo to Chrome?

If you’re looking for a way to keep your online activity private, you might want to consider adding DuckDuckGo to your Chrome browser. This search engine is built for privacy and offers more privacy than other mainstream browsers.

Adding DuckDuckGo to your Chrome browser is a simple process. You just click a few buttons to set it as your default search engine. However, it’s important to remember that Google still can track your search history. So, it’s wise to encrypt your connection to avoid eavesdropping.

Another good thing about DuckDuckGo is that it doesn’t slow down as you add more tabs to your browser. Compared to other browsers, it uses less memory. DuckDuckGo also encrypts your searches so that they’re safe. This is especially important if you’re using Wi-Fi.

How do I use DuckDuckGo on Windows 10?

DuckDuckGo is a privacy-focused search engine that helps you keep your online data safe. Currently, it is only available on mobile devices, but the company has announced plans to release a desktop browser in late 2021. In the meantime, users can download an extension to use with their Chrome browsers.

You can also fireproof your favourite websites with DuckDuckGo’s Privacy Browser. Unlike Google, DuckDuckGo doesn’t store your IP address, search history, or cookies. Instead, it uses contextual ads from partners to provide you with relevant information.

DuckDuckGo for Windows 10 enables you to surf the internet anonymously. While browsing, you can also read interesting news stories and view older ones. It’s also designed to let you search for people you may know. You can also use DuckDuckGo’s “Fire” button to erase your search data. However, there are other privacy features you can take advantage of with the search engine, such as password manager, tab management, and blocking site cookies.

Which is better DuckDuckGo or Chrome?

DuckDuckGo is a privacy-focused search engine. The site promises that it doesn’t track your activities on the Internet. Instead, it relies on encrypted versions of websites to make your online experience more secure. There are other similar privacy-focused search engines. They can be used to search the Internet, but don’t offer as many features as DuckDuckGo.

Another option is to use an alternative browser, like Brave or Vivaldi. Brave has a more robust set of privacy options, such as the ability to set a private user interface and use a VPN. However, DuckDuckGo offers some great features that make it worth a look.

DuckDuckGo’s desktop browser doesn’t have as many features as Chromium or Google Chrome, but it does have a few key features that will help you protect your privacy. Besides blocking cookies and ad tracking, DuckDuckGo will encrypt your searches, and it will also clear your browsing history in one click.

DuckDuckGo Browser for PC


This was all about DuckDuckGo Browser which has been trending since its launch. It can give tough competition to the Google Search Engine in upcoming years. All we know is that Google tracks our online activities and collects the data on its server.

On the other hand, the DuckDuckGo search engine allows us to perform search activities safely. It claims to not track and collect any type of data of a user. So, Duck is the best option for those who want to save their personal information. I hope you got valuable information about and DuckDuckGo Browser downloads. If you have other queries, then ask us in the comment section.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is DuckDuckGo a part of Google?

No, DuckDuckGo Browser is totally unique and provides a safe search to the user while tracking their activities.

Can I trust DuckDuckgo?

Yes, if you are looking for Google’s Alternative, then you can rely on the DuckDuckGo search engine. It doesn’t save your data and search history. 

What is the Origin of DuckDuckGo Company?

DuckDuckGo Browser Company originated in the United States. 

Can I use Duck Duck Go for free?

Yes, the Duck Duck Go browser is available for free to use on any device, browser or operating system.

What are the safest search engines apart from DuckDuckGo?

Some secure engines care about your privacy.

  • Startpage
  • DuckDuckGo
  • Search
  • Qwant
  • Swiss cows
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How to Download DuckDuckGo Browser for PC

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