You must be thinking of doing something extra that can add more Reseller Hosting value than your 9-to-5 job. Many of you might want to do something along with the regular job so that the steady income doesn’t get hampered. If you are working in the IT industry then you must know that the demand for the web hosting industry is increasing very rapidly. Every small and large business now wants to come online and to do so the first step is to get a website. A website developer or a designer knows how much it is to look after web hosting and development parts together with Reseller Hosting. But, that doesn’t mean, you should not dream of having your own web hosting company.
With support from the best cheap reseller hosting provider, you can start a hosting business whenever you are ready. Miles Web reseller hosting is considered the simplest way to get started, without any high initial capital, infrastructure, or IT team. So, just your website developed buy a cPanel reseller hosting plan from Miles Web, and get started.
Reseller hosting allows you to sell other hosting services like the domain name to your clients under your brand name. It is the best option for people wanting to start a web hosting company without an expensive investment in resources server management and infrastructure.
A short Intro – MilesWeb
Miles Web Hosting was started in the year 2012, and today is known as one of the best reseller hosting provider companies. It was started with the aim of fulfilling all the voids left by other hosting providers so that all hosting requirements from customers could be fulfilled. So, they opted the cutting-edge technology and the latest software versions in their hosting packages and sold them at very cheap rates.
Apart from this, the company also offers other web hosting services like shared hosting, unlimited hosting, VPS and dedicated hosting, cloud hosting, WordPress hosting, etc.
MilesWeb has always been the top choice for many of its clients. They have won several awards and recognitions for outstanding support and service.
Reseller Hosting Features From MilesWeb are :
1) Unlimited website hosting –
Every reseller hosting plan allows you to create a specific number of cPanel accounts. But, every cPanel account also enables you to host unlimited domains and sub-domains.
2) 100% white label –
The white label system allows users to sell web hosting under its own brand name by limiting the visibility of the merchant company name. So, for your customers, you become their first point of contact.
3) Storage Space –
If you wish to have supreme speed then you will need to get rid of HDD drives. Websites stored in an SSD server speed up the performance of your website so that users can experience the best of it.
4) Free Migration –
If you are already a hosting user but you don’t have reseller hosting or you are not happy with the current hosting services, then reach out to Miles Web. The technical team migrates your website data from current providers to their servers for free and without losing the data.
5) 1-click installer –
The one-click Softaculous allows you to install over 400 applications like Joomla, Drupal, WordPress, etc with ease.
6) Protection from malware –
All the websites hosted at Miles Web are scanned on a daily basis. Close attention is given to safety and thus, if any malicious activity gets suspected, it is solved immediately.
7) Free website builder –
As a reseller, you and your clients can create a website using a website builder tool. It is an easy drag-and-drop tool and to operate it, you don’t need any technical knowledge.
Reseller hosting is actually a great way to start a web hosting business and start earning from it.
Watch the video to learn, how to earn money with reseller hosting –
Exclusive features of MilesWeb reseller hosting are :
Reseller backup –
Mis-happenings can occur at any point in time. Recovering the data from any such occurrence is very difficult and sometimes not even possible. Thus, backup plays a vital role in your website data. It is always better to take backup on a daily basis and MilesWeb helps you with that.
Reseller Addons –
Hosting addons have a huge demand in the market. Thus, MilesWeb allows its resellers to cross-sell hosting addons like SSL certificates, backups, SpamExperts, VPS hosting, dedicated hosting, domain hosting, etc. in order to make a profit from it.
Do you know how Miles Web has gained so much trust from its audience?
It is due to their strong three pillars –
1) 24/7 support :
Around the clock, technical support, and going out of the way to solve customers’ issues are impressive factors. It has helped them to create a strong rapport between themselves and their customers.
2) 99.95% uptime :
More uptime signifies that your website will be available for visitors for a long time. Thus, MilesWeb offers a 99.95% uptime which is pretty much amazing for any site.
3) 30 days money-back guarantee –
In case you take the service from Miles Web and didn’t find it useful. Then, as a user, you have the right to cancel your order with a full return on investment within 30 days.
So, are you ready to start your web hosting company?
Get in touch with Miles Web and start one.
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