Sergey Tokarev

Sergey Tokarev, as the co-founder of the investment group Roosh, never ceases to amaze and again announced a new project. Against the backdrop of the constant development of technology, AI HOUSE, in partnership with the Ukrainian Catholic University, announces the launch of the School of Generative Artificial Intelligence. This new initiative is aimed at machine learning professionals with at least one year of experience who have deep knowledge of linear algebra, probability and statistics. Sergey Tokarev, an active supporter of AI HOUSE, expressed confidence that cooperation with educational institutions and the involvement of experts from various technology companies will help accelerate the development of this area.

During the period from March 11 to 16, a special event is planned to be held in the city of Lviv, Ukraine, – the School of Artificial Intelligence. As part of this project, Ukrainian specialists in the field of information technology will have the opportunity to thoroughly study and evaluate the current state of such areas as computer vision, natural language processing, and audio information, as well as exchange their experience and knowledge.

Sergey Tokarev emphasized that after listening to the lectures, participants will have the opportunity not only to develop their own solutions based on generative artificial intelligence technology but also to apply them in practice within the framework of a two-day hackathon. This hackathon is a unique event where participants can not only test their skills and knowledge but also collaborate with colleagues, and share experiences and ideas, which contributes to a more complete and in-depth assimilation of the material. Such hands-on experience is valuable for further developing and improving skills in the field of artificial intelligence. In addition, successful participation in a hackathon can lead to collaboration opportunities with leading companies and experts in the field, which opens up new prospects for professional growth and career development.

Upon completion of the Generative AI Spring School program, all participants who joined the offline course will be issued an official certificate of completion. To become a participant, you must fill out the registration form and receive confirmation from the organizers, as well as make a donation to the scholarship funds in memory of the fallen Heroes of the Ukrainian Catholic University (UCU) community in the amount of 1000+ Ukrainian hryvnia. However, Sergey Tokarev warns that the number of places is limited, so those interested should hurry up.

However, for those who are unable to participate in the offline course, there is the opportunity to access live broadcasts and recorded lectures. To do this, you need to make a donation of 200 Ukrainian hryvnia through the AI HOUSE website.

AI HOUSE is a non-commercial organization, part of the Roosh ecosystem, whose goal is to form the largest and most influential artificial intelligence community in Ukraine. The main objective of AI HOUSE is to encourage the development of new ventures in the field of artificial intelligence and stimulate the progress of the technology sector in the country. Through active activities and strategic partnerships, AI HOUSE plays a key role in creating an innovative environment and promoting technological innovation in Ukraine.

The Faculty of Applied Sciences of the Ukrainian Catholic University (UCU) is deservedly recognized as one of the leading in Ukraine according to the ratings of well-known publications Forbes and DOU. The Faculty actively collaborates with the world’s best laboratories and universities and is also part of ELLIS, a pan-European network of IT research centers in the field of information technology. This provides students and teachers with access to advanced research methods and technologies and also contributes to the integration of Ukrainian science into the global scientific community.