Snapchat Planets

Snapchat Planets has become, without a doubt, the most-loved social media application among Gen Z users. Although Snapchat is already loaded with features, Snapchat Plus elevates the experience by offering exciting new features. Snapchat frequently brings the latest features in its subscriptions which allow you to change the icon on the app, view those who rewatched your story, and even mark certain individuals as BFFs. To make it easier to understand the second, Snapchat’s subscription has introduced a brand new feature known as Snapchat Friend Solar System that assigns a solar system to your close friends.

In the article, we’ll guide you through the meaning of Snapchat planets and their ordering and meanings, as well as more. At the end of this article, we will also explain how to view your Snapchat solar system to share with your friends.

Snapchat Planets: What Is the Friend Solar System?

You are already familiar with the way a solar system works and looks. Our solar system has each planet orbits its own Sun at a particular distance. If you’re a Snapchat Plus member, you are the Sun of your Friend’s Solar System.

One of the first Snapchat planets that is listed on this list is Mercury It’s the person with whom you share the most streaks, i.e. your most trusted friend on Snapchat. This process applies to the next eight of your best friends on Snapchat which means that the top eight friends will be assigned a planet according to their proximity to them (how often you talk to them).

Snapchat Planets Order and Meaning (2024)

Each planet within your Snapchat friendship solar system is assigned an individual position within your list of Best Friends, and the order of the planets in the Solar System is identical to the arrangement of the planets in our current solar system. Since you’re in the Sun for Snapchat, you are the Sun of your Snapchat friend’s solar system Mercury will be assigned as the person you share the most chats and snaps and chats with. Venus is assigned to the next closest one, and the list continues to Neptune which is your eighth most trusted friend.

To help you comprehend the significance of Snapchat planets more clearly We’ve described them in depth together with their equivalent emojis below:


As in an actual solar system, Mercury is the planet that is the initial one in Snapchat’s Snapchat solar system. It’s the user’s most trusted friend. Mercury is represented as the red planet, with five red hearts surrounding it.


Venus is considered to be the 2nd planet of the Solar System. It is the user’s second most trusted close friend. Venus is the second planet in our solar system. Venus planet is represented as the appearance of a light brown planet with pink, yellow, and blue hearts that revolve around it.


The third planet of our solar system Earth corresponds to the user’s third most trusted friend. It’s depicted with the identical color of Earth in real Earth with the moon, stars, and red hearts surrounding it.


Mars is your fourth most trusted person on Snapchat it is one of the the fourth of our planets in the solar system. Mars is represented by a red planet surrounded by stars and blue and purple hearts surrounding their friendmoji.

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The Snapchat solar system can be described as a re-creation of the solar system Jupiter corresponds to the user’s fifth most trusted friend. The app features a reddish-orange planet that has dark orange stripes and stars that rotate around it.


Like our Solar system, Saturn lies sixth to the Sun. It is our user’s sixth most trusted companion. It is represented by an orange star, an elongated ring, and stars.


The Uranus planet is Snapchat users’ seventh most trusted acquaintance Snapchat as represented as a green globe without hearts.

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Not to be left out, Neptune is the eighth planet in our solar system. It represents the eighth person in your friend’s list of friends in the application’s Solar System. Be aware that there isn’t any romance or even life on this bleak Blue Planet.

How Does Snapchat’s Friend Solar System Work

In the first place, you have to sign up for Snapchat Plus to view which planet you’re on in the universe of your friends. After you have registered, you’ll be able to see a ” Best Friends” or ” Friends” badge with a gold outline whenever you visit a friend’s profile. This badge Best Friends badge means you have been ranked in the top eight of each other’s best friends. While the Friends badge signifies that you’re in their top eight most popular friends list, however, they’re not on your list.

When you tap on either of the badges, you will see the position of friendship within the Friend Solar System. In addition, to make it interesting, the relationship is displayed as planets each one representing a specific location on their top friend list. For instance, If you’re Jupiter in the Snapchat solar system, this means that you’re their 5th closest friend. Here’s how to determine which planet is on the other person’s Snapchat solar system.

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  • Open your friend’s profile on Snapchat.
  • Locate and tap the Best Friends badge to reveal which planet you represent.

This is how Snapchat’s solar system functions. Be aware that you must be a Snapchat Plus subscriber to gain access to Snapchat’s friend’s solar panel.


What is the order of Snapchat best friends?

The order of Snapchat’s best friends depends on the amount of interaction you have with them on Snapchat. So, the Snapchat user with whom you share the most snaps and chats for straight weeks becomes your best friend on Snapchat and is assigned the Mercury planet.

How many best friend planets are on Snapchat?

There are a total of eight best friend planets on Snapchat, and each planet is assigned to one of your best friends on Snapchat.

How do you make someone your #1 best friend on Snapchat fast?

To make someone your number best friend on Snapchat, you both must share the most numbers and chats for at least two weeks straight.

what do the planets mean on Snapchat?

The badge can indicate the planet that you’re on within the Solar System, with each planet representing a specific place in their Top Friends List. For instance, if your buddy is from the Sun while they’re on Earth within your Solar System, that means that you’re their third most trusted friend.